En førstis forteller av Emma Chastain (Ebok)

En førstis forteller (Ebok)

Serie: Chloe Snows dagbok 1


Kirsti Vogt (Oversetter)

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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2017
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filstørrelse: 3.56 MB
Filformat: EPUB
Forlag: Gyldendal
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Confessions of a high school disaster
Oversatt av: Vogt, Kirsti
Serie: Chloe Snows dagbok
Serienummer: 1
ISBN/EAN: 9788205496101
Alder: 12 - 16
Omtale En førstis forteller
Møt Chloe Snow, en «Bridget Jones» for vår tid. I en dagboksroman som gnistrer av humor, varme og alvor, forteller hun om sitt første år på high school -- det året som var et eneste kaos av familie, venner, skole, forelskelse og alt mulig annet. Chloe skal akkurat begynne på high school når den fantastiske, vakre og kunstneriske moren hennes erklærer at det er umulig å skape stor kunst i Massachusetts, og at hun derfor må flytte til Mexico. Omtumlet over å ha blitt etterlatt alene med bare (den sosialt ganske klønete) faren som selskap, kaster Chloe seg ut i en rekke nye utfordringer, som for eksempel audition til skolens a cappella-gruppe, masse nye venner, og - noe overraskende -- hovedrollen i skolens musikal. I sin søken etter å finne ut hvem hun er, hvordan hun skal klare seg uten mamma i nærheten, og ikke minst hvordan hun skal håndtere det sosialt krevende spillet på skolen uten å dumme seg fullstendig ut, ender hun opp i en rekke ganske ... krevende situasjoner, og tiltrekker seg oppmerksomheten til skolens kjekkeste gutt. En tredjeklassing, med en kjæreste som er så pen at hun ikke trenger å sminke seg.Alt er blitt et salig røre, og Chloe skjønner at hun selv er skyld i det meste av det hun har rotet seg opp i. Det er på tide å stoppe opp, tenke på hvilke valg hun gjør -- og hvem hun egentlig kan stole på.Dette er det verste året i livet mitt så langt - hvis ikke det kanskje er det beste ... Blurb from Lauren Myracle: "Chloe Snow's Diary goes far beyond the expected awesomeness + angst of a freshman in highschool, though it has both of those qualities in spades. But Chloe Snow, in all her hilarious brilliance, will also break your heart and make you bawl those "happy to be alive" tears. Amazing."  Advanced Review from Booklist - Jan 1, 2017  Confessions of a High School Disaster. Chastain, Emma (Author) Mar 2017. 352 p. Simon & Schuster/Simon Pulse, hardcover, $17.99. (9781481488754). As if starting high school wasn't daunting enough, Chloe Snow has to do it without her free-spirited writer mother-who bolted to Mexico to find her "muse"-and alongside her religious best friend, Hannah, and Hannah's judgmental, picture-perfect family. Fortunately, Chloe has a caring dad; a new best friend, Tristan; and the lead in the school's musical! In the spirit of Meg Cabot's The Princess Diaries series, Chloe's daily diary serves as the book's format. Encompassing an overwhelming majority of Chloe's record is her obsession with Mac, a senior boy with a girlfriend and Chloe's secret hookup. Chloe, Hannah, and Tristan all have intense relationships with senior boys, which, aside from seeming a little improbable, starts to become how they define themselves. But despite Chloe's dominating obsession with Mac, and the book's abrupt ending, Chloe is refreshingly honest and unfiltered about very real issues facing high-school students: unsteady family dynamics, drinking at parties, balancing old and new friends, and the stigma of slut shaming.  School Library Journal Review - Jan 18, 2017  CHASTAIN, Emma. Confessions of a High School Disaster. 352p. ebook available. S. & S./Simon Pulse. Mar. 2017. Tr $17.99. ISBN 9781481488754.Gr 9 Up-Chloe Snow wants nothing more than to be kissed by New Year's Eve. She is a typical high school freshman, ready to take on the challenges of leaving middle school behind, and her dad is predictably embarrassing. Her mom, however, is another story: she has recently left for Mexico in order to concentrate on herself and her writing. At the pool, right before school starts, Chloe catches the eye of the school bad boy-never mind that he already has a girlfriend. But when she gets cast in the leading role of the school's musical, instead of the most popular girl, the drama really begins. Writing in a diary format, Chastain captures a spot-on teen voice that would feel at home in an updated version of the film Mean Girls. Underlying the humor and angst of high school life, though, are Chloe's ache for her mother and her confusion and anger about her parents' relationship. Readers will hope for the heroine's continued adventures in future volumes. VERDICT An above-average purchase for readers who love comedic, realistic fiction about high school. -Deanna McDaniel, Genoa Middle School, OH  Other news - Jan 18, 2017  Junior Library Guild has selected the book as one of its Spring 2017 picks.

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